Social Media Essentials for Churches
As your church embraces the world of social media, it's vital to keep in mind some essential strategies and practices to effectively engage your congregation and expand your outreach. Here are some critical strategies to guide your journey:
Content Creation and Delivery: Most churches don't have a content creation problem; they have a content delivery problem. Churches generate a wealth of content, including sermons, training sessions, meetings, and services for students and children. The key is to capture this content and transform it into deliverable content for social media.
Record Everything: Ensure that every weekend service, training session, student and children's event is captured in pictures and videos. In everyone's job description, include the responsibility of capturing content; it's a significant part of ministry today. Every training and service can be turned into blogs, shorts, tweets, LinkedIn posts, and more.
Video Content Is King: Our clients typically experience a 5 to 10x increase in engagement with video content compared to just using pictures and captions. Therefore, it's crucial that your team focuses on creating video content for sermons, weekend reviews, and camps. While it might seem overwhelming to have everything in video format on your Instagram feed, remember that finding pictures is much easier than establishing discipline around video production. Additionally, it's essential to post these videos on YouTube with the right SEO information (consider using AI for this). Don't overlook the fact that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, right after Google.
Leverage Instagram: Instagram can serve as a powerful visual representation of your church, making it crucial for reaching a wider audience. Most newcomers are likely to visit your Instagram before they attend your church. Therefore, it's essential to use Instagram to demonstrate the vibrant and positive life of your church.
Photography and Visuals: You can never have enough photos, so create a volunteer team or hire someone to constantly take pictures. Consider bringing in a professional photographer to train your team on taking good pictures. Ensure you have pictures and videos of everything!
Enhance Lighting and Cameras on Stages: Invest in better lighting and cameras for your stages. Many stages are too dark for producing great videos. Cameras are more affordable than ever, and most phones have cameras that are fantastic. Improving the lighting and camera equipment will enhance the quality of your video content.
Discipleship Through Social Media: Utilizing social media for discipleship can deepen connections within your congregation and foster spiritual growth. Posting at least 2 sermon shorts a week extends the best parts and ideas from your sermons throughout the weekend, helping people implement what you are teaching and keeping it in front of them.
Senior Pastor's Presence: The senior pastor's active involvement on social media can significantly influence the congregation and enhance the church's online presence. LinkedIn, in particular, offers a great opportunity for senior pastors. While only 10% of pastors are on LinkedIn, approximately 50% of college-educated professionals use the platform. When using LinkedIn, determine your purpose—whether it's to be front and center with Jesus or to leverage leadership principles from your sermon.
Embrace Individual Staff Accounts: Individual staff accounts are a good thing and can be used to advance the church account. Encourage staff members to use their personal accounts to share church-related content. Avoid requiring them to share and like posts, as it can come across as forced. Instead, foster excitement among staff members about what's happening, and they will hopefully share it willingly.
Regular Audits for Continuous Improvement: Every two months, conduct audits to identify the most popular posts. Leverage what you have learned from these audits to refine your content strategy. For example, if your church's posts related to kids, the senior pastor, service events, and holidays received significant responses, make sure to post more content in those categories.
Simple Strategy: Develop a straightforward and actionable social media strategy that includes specific posting schedules:
Monday: Share a Sermon Reel, looking back and directing people to your YouTube channel.
Tuesday: Post about the life of the church, highlighting different aspects such as children's ministry, student activities, and outreach programs
Wednesday: Share a video of the weekend activities, including music, with representations from all segments of the church. Incorporate both video and images.
Thursday: Continue showcasing the life of the church, emphasizing different areas such as children's programs, student activities, and community outreach.
Friday: Promote the upcoming Sunday by sharing a Sermon Reel from the previous weekend, inviting people to join your services.
These 11 simple tactics can make your team more effective in the social media space, and they are easy steps that will greatly enhance your church's ability to engage your congregation. Sermonmax assists churches in managing their social media accounts by creating strategies that optimize a church's energy, crafting posts and shorts, and efficiently managing the posting process.