Growing Your Influence

Ideas and Inspiration for Expanding Your Reach

Kenny Brown Kenny Brown

Unlock Your Content Goldmine: Simple Strategies for Organizations

Have you ever felt like you're constantly struggling to create content for your social media channels, whether it's YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram?

I've been there.

I, too, faced what I believed was a scarcity of content.

However, the challenge isn't always about not having enough content—it's about not capturing it.

I've learned that we're often surrounded by potential content during teachings, staff meetings, speaking events, and training sessions.

The issue lies in our failure to record these moments.

One simple step changed everything for me: bringing an iPhone and tripod to your next staff meeting or training session.

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Mastering Sermon Shorts: 5 Key Tips To Producing Better Shorts

The true magic now lies in the fact you have the cultural green light to share the best parts of your message in bite sized pieces. This not only aids in the practical application of your sermon but also extends its reach. Every like or share sends your message to a new audience, many of whom may not even step into a church. It's a dynamic blend of outreach and discipleship.

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