Growing Your Influence

Ideas and Inspiration for Expanding Your Reach

Kenny Brown Kenny Brown

Unlock Your Content Goldmine: Simple Strategies for Organizations

Have you ever felt like you're constantly struggling to create content for your social media channels, whether it's YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram?

I've been there.

I, too, faced what I believed was a scarcity of content.

However, the challenge isn't always about not having enough content—it's about not capturing it.

I've learned that we're often surrounded by potential content during teachings, staff meetings, speaking events, and training sessions.

The issue lies in our failure to record these moments.

One simple step changed everything for me: bringing an iPhone and tripod to your next staff meeting or training session.

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Kenny Brown Kenny Brown

The Path to Congruent and Authentic Leadership: The Power of Personal Story Work

In a recent episode of the Sermonmax podcast, we gained valuable insights from Chris Payne, the Lead Pastor of New City, into the impact of personal story work on leadership. In this article, we will share some key learnings for our leadership from that conversation.

Principle 1: Know Your Story to Lead Effectively

Understanding your own story is foundational to effective leadership. Just as Chris Payne emphasized, personal story work helps leaders gain insight into their past experiences and how they shape their present and future. This self-awareness lays the groundwork for authentic leadership.

Principle 2: Personal Growth Enhances Leadership

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Kenny Brown Kenny Brown

Succession Planning: Insights from Greg Ligon on the Sermonmax Podcast

Navigating Leadership Transition in Your Church

Leadership transition within a church is a complex journey that demands careful planning and a shared vision. In our recent podcast episode with Greg Ligon, we delved into the invaluable wisdom of successful succession planning. If you missed the live conversation, don't worry – we've distilled the key takeaways for you.The Imperative of Proactivity

One of Greg's pivotal points was the need for proactive planning. Waiting until the last minute is a recipe for instability. A well-orchestrated plan should begin years before the current leadership anticipates stepping down.

Succession Is Not an Event; It’s a Process

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Kenny Brown Kenny Brown

Expanding the Kingdom: From Online Metrics to Physical Communities Through Watching Parties and More

When I spoke with Greg Ligdon, on the Sermonmax podcast, he brought up the idea of leveraging online campuses for multi-site church expansion, it led to an eye-opening discussion that got us both thinking about actionable steps. We explored the idea of using digital metrics as a low-risk discovery tool, providing insights into geographic locations ripe for potential physical campuses. However, metrics alone are not enough. What comes next?

Transitioning from Metrics to Community Engagement

To make the leap from an online community to a physical congregation, a well-thought-out engagement strategy is crucial. After all, a church isn't merely a building; it's a community of believers. This is where the power of watching parties, service days, and festivals come into play.

The Power of Watching Parties

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Mastering Sermon Shorts: 5 Key Tips To Producing Better Shorts

The true magic now lies in the fact you have the cultural green light to share the best parts of your message in bite sized pieces. This not only aids in the practical application of your sermon but also extends its reach. Every like or share sends your message to a new audience, many of whom may not even step into a church. It's a dynamic blend of outreach and discipleship.

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Social Media Kenny Brown Social Media Kenny Brown

Social Media Essentials for Churches

As your church embraces the world of social media, it's vital to keep in mind some essential strategies and practices to effectively engage your congregation and expand your outreach. Here are some critical strategies to guide your journey:

Content Creation and Delivery: Most churches don't have a content creation problem; they have a content delivery problem. Churches generate a wealth of content, including sermons, training sessions, meetings, and services for students and children. The key is to capture this content and transform it into deliverable content for social media.

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Thriving as a Communicator: Chris Payne's Preaching Best Practices

In this blog, we uncover six key learnings from Chris Payne's preaching journey that can inspire and empower communicators of all backgrounds. From embracing authenticity to harnessing the power of stories, these best practices offer valuable insights to help communicators thrive in their craft. Whether you're a seasoned preacher or just starting out, these practical tips will elevate your preaching game and make a lasting impact on your audience. Join us as we delve into the world of effective communication and discover how you can become a more influential and inspiring communicator. Don't miss out on this transformative conversation – read the full blog now!

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Embracing Multi-format Discipleship: Bringing the Church to Your Doorstep

In this digital age, we are redefining discipleship by embracing a multi-format approach that transcends the physical boundaries of the church. Discover how we are leveraging the power of social media to create a transformative church experience that reaches individuals wherever they are. From captivating reels to thought-provoking blogs and engaging sermon devotions, our multi-format discipleship strategy ensures a constant presence of God's Word in their lives. Join us on this revolutionary journey as we bridge the gap between church and digital doorsteps, maximizing engagement and nurturing spiritual growth. Embrace a new era of accessible and impactful discipleship, where the church truly meets people at their doorstep, inspiring them to live out God's calling in their daily lives.

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Easter, Church leadership Kenny Brown Easter, Church leadership Kenny Brown

How to Beat the Post-Easter Attendance Slump: Tips for Church Leaders

The problem is that the week after Easter is typically a low attendance weekend for churches. This can be disheartening, especially when you have put in months of hard work, planning and preparation to make the Easter weekend a success. The drop in attendance can feel like a failure, even though it's a normal trend. According to a survey conducted by the Barna Group in 2018, the Sunday after Easter saw a 23% decrease in attendance compared to Easter Sunday. This statistic alone can create pain for church leaders and pastors, who want to keep the momentum going, even after the big Easter weekend.

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Leadership, Evaluation, Follow Up Kenny Brown Leadership, Evaluation, Follow Up Kenny Brown

10 Strategic Questions to Ask After Your Easter Service

Easter and Christmas Eves are not just opportunities to celebrate and reflect on the message of Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. They are also opportunities to see how your services, people, process, systems, communications, and facilities would work at 20%, 50%, or 200% growth. By identifying areas for improvement and taking action to make changes, you can prepare for future growth and serve your community with greater impact.

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Social Media, Follow Up, Sermon Kenny Brown Social Media, Follow Up, Sermon Kenny Brown

From Easter Sunday to Every Sunday: 5 Steps for Building Lasting Connections with Guests

According to recent studies, only 2% of first-time church visitors return for a second visit. This statistic highlights the importance of having a plan in place to connect with guests who attended your Easter service. By leveraging social media and creating follow-up materials, you can create a lasting impression that will keep guests coming back. In this blog, we'll explore six action steps you can take to connect with as many people as possible during the post-Easter week and build lasting connections with visitors beyond Easter Sunday.

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Expanding Your Ministry Reach: How LinkedIn Can Benefit Senior Pastors

As a senior pastor, you have a tremendous opportunity to influence and connect with your congregation and the wider community. One of the most effective ways to do this is by being active on LinkedIn. However, we understand that many pastors find LinkedIn intimidating. The thought of creating content specifically for a business-oriented platform can be overwhelming. Plus, with the demands of running a church and preparing weekly sermons, finding the time to create LinkedIn content can seem impossible. That's why we have two solutions to make it easier for you to make an impact on LinkedIn

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SermonMax, Sermon, What is SermonMax? Kenny Brown SermonMax, Sermon, What is SermonMax? Kenny Brown

Transform Your Sermons into Engaging Social Media Content | SermonMax

Are you tired of struggling to come up with social media content for your church? Do you feel like your sermons are not reaching a broader audience? SermonMax is here to help! Our social media company is dedicated to helping pastors maximize the impact of their sermons by turning them into engaging social media content. With our tailored approach and commitment to providing pastors with everything they need to create effective social media content, SermonMax is the ultimate solution for senior pastors looking to make a difference in their community. Say goodbye to content problems and hello to a world of new possibilities with SermonMax!

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