Growing Your Influence

Ideas and Inspiration for Expanding Your Reach

Easter, Church leadership Kenny Brown Easter, Church leadership Kenny Brown

How to Beat the Post-Easter Attendance Slump: Tips for Church Leaders

The problem is that the week after Easter is typically a low attendance weekend for churches. This can be disheartening, especially when you have put in months of hard work, planning and preparation to make the Easter weekend a success. The drop in attendance can feel like a failure, even though it's a normal trend. According to a survey conducted by the Barna Group in 2018, the Sunday after Easter saw a 23% decrease in attendance compared to Easter Sunday. This statistic alone can create pain for church leaders and pastors, who want to keep the momentum going, even after the big Easter weekend.

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Social Media, Follow Up, Sermon Kenny Brown Social Media, Follow Up, Sermon Kenny Brown

From Easter Sunday to Every Sunday: 5 Steps for Building Lasting Connections with Guests

According to recent studies, only 2% of first-time church visitors return for a second visit. This statistic highlights the importance of having a plan in place to connect with guests who attended your Easter service. By leveraging social media and creating follow-up materials, you can create a lasting impression that will keep guests coming back. In this blog, we'll explore six action steps you can take to connect with as many people as possible during the post-Easter week and build lasting connections with visitors beyond Easter Sunday.

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